Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Utterly Honest Journal of a Temporary Native American

So, I read this book in probably seventh grade for the first time. I thought it was utter genius. I read it again this year about three weeks before Christmas because I needed a book to read for Reading Mondays in Creative and Critical. I could not believe I forgot how good this book is. I mean, what teenager doesn't want to read about bulimic girls and bullying best friends, silent-to-violent basketball games, and cutting an Indian's ponytail off (NEVER cut off an Indian's ponytail, it is their pride and joy. They actually WASH them).
To be honest, my favorite aspect of the entire book is the cartoons. They progressively get better throughout the novel and each one brings more and more sarcasm to the situation. I mean, what teen would draw a cartoon of a special guest at his grandmothers FUNERAL just to mock him. One who has no shame.
In the end, the boy gets the girl, the family becomes rich, the sister becomes successful, and the grandmother comes back to life.
Nah, I'm totally kidding.
I suggest this book to all people who want a quick read with lots of pictures. I promise you won't feel like a first grader looking at a picture book full of racoons. These pictures are MUCH more entertaining than racoons.


  1. Absolutely true diary of a part time indian???

    1. Yes ma'am! I'm going to bring it to college so I have it whenever I need a laugh
